
My name is Dan Boland. My background is in science and I graduated from UCD with an honours degree. I worked in industry both in Canada and Ireland for eight years and then set up my own business in training management in quality standards to facilitate the export of goods and services. During my 35 years in business I completed an MBA to keep me up-to-date with management issues. I always had a keen interest in psychology and human behaviour and decided to work with people who were having life-challenging situations, such as anxiety, depression, stress, anger, trauma, bereavement, relationship difficulties and purpose and meaning in life. Having completed an honours degree in counselling and psychotherapy, I have now been working in this area for the past six years and thoroughly enjoy the experiences and learning. I am an accredited therapist with the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, a Universal Consciousness Facilitator with the Institute for Quantum Consciousness in Australia and hold a Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I have now just completed a masters degree in consciousness, spirituality and quantum physics with QAV which is located in India. I have been interested in sports all my life and particularly in coaching and managing hurling teams from ages five up to adults. I currently manage an adult hurling team. I love helping people to achieve their full potential in life so if you would like to reach out to me I would be delighted to hear from you.

Many Thanks,
