‘it is always our intention to create a safe space to guide you home’


  • “You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” – Deepak Chopra

    Healing yourself helps you to challenge your belief system and to control your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Our minds, bodies, and souls are connected to each other. When you heal, you gain control over your thoughts, get mental clarity and remove much of the negative thinking. You will begin to feel much healthier, more confident and better able to relate to the people around you.

    Nowadays, stress is a major trigger for mental health symptoms. This can be associated with many challenges such as anxiety, depression, anger, trauma, bereavement, relationship-difficulties, purpose and meaning in life, to name but just a few. It is important to set aside some time to escape from this stress. Stress causes the release of cortisol in your body and too much cortisol is damaging to the body. These periods of escape can be incredibly healing in a caring, non-judgmental environment.

    We work with individual clients and use an integrative approach very much based on the client’s needs. Sessions last for one hour and for those who find it difficult or experience anxiety leaving their home to come to our location or prefer home visits, we can arrange this with you. We also do “walk and talk” sessions which can be helpful for some people who might find it difficult sitting in a room. If you would like to avail of this please let us know and we can discuss suitable arrangements. We endeavour to make ourselves available at a time convenient to you.

    Whatever you are going through, we are here to help. We will give you tools and techniques to help you manage your life better in the future.

  • “To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.” Eckhart Tolle.

    Spirituality is one of the essential characteristics of being human along with biological, psychological and sociological. A spiritual journey is a very individual and intimate exploration to deepen your understanding of life. It can help you to be more at peace with yourself and the world around you. You will gain insights into the problems and challenges you’re confronted with through some unconscious processing. C.G. Jung - ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious , It will direct your life and you will call it fate.’

    Spirituality is often associated with religion but in fact, spirituality can be developed outside of organised religion through every day acts such as compassion, altruism, goodness, truth and love. Thousands of people around the world are expressing increasing interest in the role of spirituality in their healthcare. Today, there is a renewal of interest in exploring how the spiritual dimension of existence impacts health. It seems that the effects of spirituality are best explained by psycho-neuro-immunology, which is the study of the two-way communication between the mind, the nervous system and the immune system.

    Spiritual growth is the process in which you awaken to your true self, not to the outer circumstances, experiences and conditioning that has defined you up to now. There are a number of different spiritual journeys that can be taken depending on what your intentions are, each one lasting one to one and a half hours.

  • These interactive workshops are information sessions about how to obtain a greater understanding of spirituality and consciousness. They are designed to teach or introduce to participants practical skills, techniques, or ideas which you can then use in your daily life. They are given by Dan Boland and I invite you to learn and share with me as we come together for 1-2 hours to explore how science and spirituality are brought together by quantum physics. There is very little detailed science or mathematics involved.

    We try to keep the workshops to a maximum of ten people to facilitate communication. The sessions are arranged based on the needs of various communities and organisations. Details of upcoming public events are published here.

    If you have questions regarding workshops please email:
